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Phi Iota Alpha

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Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity is committed to the development of professional leaders through shared experiences and fostered lifelong brotherhood. These men continuously promote the ideals of Pan Americanism via intellectual dialogue, cultural awareness, and community service.

Today, Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. commemorates its long history. It is the commemoration of the organization of the Union Hispano Americana as well as the merging of Sigma Iota and Phi Lambda Alpha. Phi Iota Alpha also commemorates the grandiose formation of the Union Latino Americana, the implementation of the "Universidad Ideologica," the re-emergence of the organization from coast to coast. As we continue to plan for the future, it is of utmost importance to remember that this history was made by men of great vision, leadership, devotion, persistence and most importantly, commitment to the continued development of our "Raza, Joven, Noble y Guerrera."


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